Friday, March 13, 2015

All Aboard!

Another Friday, another Agora Unleashed. Today's topic? Make It Train: Trainspotting and the Agony and Ecstasy of Hobbies, led by Uni Junior Jacob, aka MJ.

Perfectly timed with tomorrow's train show at Lincoln Square in Urbana, Jacob's talk focused on his lifelong long of trains and pursuit of the perfect train sighting. Who knew that trainspotting could improve your photography chops, bolster your driving skills, and put you in frequent contact with the authorities?

Thanks for an interesting and informative session, Jacob-- now, full-steam ahead!

The joy.

The beauty.

The police.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Dragon v. The Birds and the Bees

The latest "Ask the Dragon" query posed quite the challenge for our winged friend:

Dear Dragon,

Why does sex have such emotional connotations in our society?


Never one to shy away from delicate subject matter, Dragon had quite the response. If you, too, are curious (and who wouldn't be?), check out the answer on the library board! 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Mind the Gap

Like many Uni students, Brigitte D. has forged her own path. Opting to take a gap year in Hungary, she is deeply immersed in another culture, building knowledge, understanding, and, of course, character. She was kind enough to share her perspective on her year abroad with us via Skype today in the library. Thanks, Brigitte, and enjoy!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Poetry Practice

April is national poetry month, of course, but here at Uni High Library we're getting warmed up in advance, and we're hoping students will join us.  Our Poem of the Week display is literally packed to capacity with poetry selections, ranging from the roughly contemporary to the EXTREMELY contemporary:  We've got some poems published in the late 20th century, and we've got some poets who were *born* in the late 20th century--Three out of our seven featured poets were born after 1980, in fact.

As part of our Poetry Month warm-up, we hope everyone will participate in our special "Poem of the Whenever" matching game. Students are encouraged to read all the poems in the Poem of the Week poem pocket and to fill out the quick matching game sheet.  Don't worry, you don't have to be a Pablo Neruda Prize winner to successfully complete the quiz.

And, speaking of prize winners, did we mention that completing a POEM OF THE WHENEVER Matching Game sheet qualifies students for a small, yet fabulous, prize?   Well, it's true.  We hope you'll share this information and visit our Poem of the Week display--It's been waiting all along, but it now includes a special incentive to check it out.

Poetically yours,
paulkotheimer: )

P.S. Amy here: Paul is our Poem of the Whenever curator and Senior Library Specialist extraordinaire-- thanks, Paul!